Schuld en schade creaties
Alle aanwijzing van de Enige Erfgenaam zijn schikkingen met de betrokken derde partij zonder erfrecht, die hun dwangvorderingsberoepspraktijk, baseren op:
1. Strafbaar Capitis Diminutio Maxima-statusverlies, klassejustitie en discriminatie van de geboorte geregistreerde inwoners van het grondgebied Enige Erfgenamen, ten koste van en voor rekening van de Enige Erfgenamen,
2. Strafbare exoneraties (groteske aansprakelijkheidsbeperkingen) welke uitsluitend voor de derde partijen zonder erfrecht (professionals!) onderling, gelden en uitdrukkelijk NIET ten opzichte van schuld en schade creaties ten koste van en voor rekening van de particuliere Enige Erfgenamen,
3. Strafbare politiek gedreven, industriële racketeering (afpersing) van de derde partijen zonder erfrecht, ten koste van en voor rekening van de Enige Erfgenamen;
4. Strafbare Cestui Que Vie handel met voorkennis van de derde partijen zonder erfrecht, ten koste van en voor rekening van de Enige Erfgenamen.
Tekst afkomstig van:✍️
Vincent Zegel
Suveran d'œuvre AHB
All rights reserved
The Authority of Values Rising
1 My lineage is my authority.
2 My sole soul lineage is my bio organic spiritual umbilical and silver divine spiritual cord.
3 The book that is called 'bible' is a trust manual and a notarial umbi(b)lical record of God's Trust of which i am the Beneficiary In Trust.
4 Beware of the goat rider luciferian Great Architect's master minds spiritual emotional trust shield breakers.
5 They want our trust broken down as we've obviously read our trust bible and now learned the deceit of Isaac by Jacob and the framing of Esau, the first born heir!
6 Both umbi(b)lical trust manual and belief must be eliminated according to Lucifer.
Ongoing of course.
7 For both trust and belief reveal the principles of hereditary rights for each and every one much to the king's disgust of which Samuel made some notes.
8 They hunt my trust which they keep calling out as my (despicable to them) "belief" only to demonize the Beneficiary and force upon the Heirs their principles of satanic intellectual uni-verses for the masses.
9 They are horrendously trained crown agents hunting my birth Trust Origin wealth.
10 They are the preachers of mendicancy.
11 Beneficiaries are presumed 'persons' to them: stupid slaves in advance no matter what.
12 Everything Beneficiaries communicate is being mocked and downgraded in advance.
13 This is the "people" and "person" dead entity treatment of the king's dark sun(glassed) militia IHS.
14 The individual must remain the "masses" waving along side the road in honor of Roman imperial slavemasters which ofcourse is nothing but the waiver of individual rights ritual.
15 One on the right side is the majority they suppress.
Know their emotional spiritual fracking methods and semantic patents on truth with which they try to debilitate the Beneficiaries of their Trust Origin.
AHB-Vincent Zegel ✍️
Suveran d'œuvre AHB
All rights reserved
Directrice Adultus Honoratus Beneficiair
All Rights Reserved
Directrice Adultus Honoratus Beneficiair
AHB-Diëgo Marlo Albert
All Rights Reserved
BRP=Gemeentelijke Basis Registratie Presumptieve Personen Minderjarigen=transgender incognito =
Clausula Rebus Sic Stantibus=Erfrechtelijke competentie=Canon 2057=Canon 2124=Geboorte Trust d'Origine Repatriëring=erkenning als Beneficiair Adultus Honoratus In Trust.
BRP=Gemeentelijke Basis Registratie Presumptieve Personen Minderjarigen=transgender incognito=
Clausula Rebus Sic Stantibus=Erfrechtelijke competentie=Canon 2057=Canon 2124=Geboorte Trust d'Origine Repatriëring=erkenning als Beneficiair Adultus Honoratus In Trust.